Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Southern Tanzania Union Mission - STU



Vision: To have church members who are effective stewards.

Mission. To emphasize the Lordship of Jesus Christ while promoting total commitment and faithfulness to Him.

The stewardship ministry is responsible for helping church members completely and totally surrender and commit their lives to God as well as ensuring that God’s plan of systematic benevolence is fully implemented in all churches. The ministry also assists in strategic planning for all church entities and individual church members so as to effectively utilize available resources for fulfilling Christ’s commission.

The specific tasks of the stewardship ministries are:

  1. To articulate a biblical vision of stewardship and the integration of the Lordship of Jesus Christ into every area of life calling the church to a total commitment of the entire life, and all resources and possessions to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
  2. To develop and present a biblical approach to stewardship as a lifestyle lived in union and partnership with God.
  3. To consistently and persistently disseminate biblical tithing and offering education as well as ensure that the recommended combined budget giving plan is implemented in all churches.
  4. To develop appropriate and adequate materials for empowering the local church stewardship leaders and educators.
  5. To encourage promote economic self-support for each church member and church entity.
  6. To help create a balanced understanding regarding regular giving and special project giving which views both as two dimensions of the systematic benevolence which work in harmony. That is each believer should be encouraged to give regular, systematic support to local church, conference/mission/field, and in addition join in supporting special projects as he/she led by the Holy Spirit.
  7. To develop effective stewardship educators and preachers among the clergy and the laity.
  8. To collaborate with the Treasury department to ensure that internal control procedures are fully implemented at all levels of the church in our sphere of influence.


Vision: To have church members who are dedicated to God and are ready to dedicate their material blessings to the Church.

Mission: To encourage church members to donate to the church special gifts (e.g. buildings, properties, etc), trusts, annuities, and bequests, to support God’s work.

A recognition of the sovereignty of God, by right of creation and redemption, enables Seventh-day Adventist Christians to enjoy a sense of security and a relationship with their heavenly Father that surpass all other considerations. A contemplation of Calvary prompts them to dedicate themselves and all that they have to God.

Trust Services is a concept of stewardship which employs unique approaches to secure means for God’s work by encouraging church members to donate their material blessings to the Church.