Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Southern Tanzania Union Mission - STU



Health Deptment:

Mrs Ruth Eyembe, Director

Contacts: Mobile +255 767 503539,



We demonstrate God’s care by improving the health of people and communities through a ministry of physical mental and spiritual healing.

HOW: Through sharing God’s love by providing Physical, mental and spiritual healing.


To make Adventist health care be a high performance integrator of wellness, disease management and health care services delivering superior health outcomes, extraordinary patient experience, and exceptional value to those we serve. Therefore we will be recognized as leaders in Mission focus, quality care and fiscal strength.


Adventist health care has indentified 7 core values a that we use as a guide in carrying out our day to day activities.

  1. RESPECT: We recognize the infinite worth of the individual &care for each one as a whole person (Human dignity & individuality).
  2. INTEGRITY: We are above reproach in everything we do. (Absolute integrity in all relationships and dealings).
  3. SERVICE: We provide compassionate and alternative  care in a manner that inspires confidence (compassionate healing ministry of Jesus.
  4. EXCELLENCE  (QUALITY) We provide world class clinical outcomes in an environment that is safe for both our patients and caregivers (excellent clinical and service quality).
  5. STEWARDSHIP. We take personal responsibility for the efficient and effective accomplishment of our mission (responsible responsible resource Management in serving our communities.
  6. WHOLENESS. The health care heritage of the SDA  family – Each other as members of a caring family.


Adventist Health Ministries has indentified  6 critical success factors imperative to our business.

  1. Faith based. We must be valued as a faith based organization.
  2. Best people / best place. We must be the best place for best employees physical, volunteers and partners to work.
  3. Safety and Clinical Excellence. We must be the safety place to receive care and we will deliver superior clinical outcome.
  4. Patient experience. We must provide the most extraordinary health care experience for those we serve.
  5. Financial Success.  We must be financially successful in order to invest in out people, facilities and services.
  6. Growing Organization. We must be a growing organization in order to preserve and expand our role as a vital community resource.