Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Southern Tanzania Union Mission - STU




Taarifa hii ni matokeo ya ushirikiano na mshikamano wa washiriki wa Union hii katika kumwinua Yesu wakitumia njia mbalimbali. Ndugu wajumbe wa mkutano mkuu, Idara nilizokuwa nikiongoza kwa kushirikiana na ninyi katika kumwinua Yesu ni:
 Idara ya Huduma za mtu Binafsi.
 Idara ya Shule ya Sabato.
 Idara ya Uwakili, Maendeleo ya Kanisa na Majengo.
 Idara ya Mirathi na Amana.

Katika taarifa hii tutaunganisha taarifa ya Idara mbili zinazofanana.
 Idara ya Huduma za mtu Binafsi na Shule ya Sabato kiutendaji ni kama mapacha wanaofanana hivyo basi tutatoa taarifa kwa pamoja.

 Idara ya uwakili, maendeleo ya kanisa na majengo zitaunganishwa na Mirathi na Amana. (Trust services) nazo hizi zinalandana.

Majukumu ya Idara ya Huduma za mtu Binafsi ni kutoa zana na kufundisha washiriki kuunganisha juhudi zao na zile za mchungaji na maofisa katika huduma ya kuongoa roho na kusaidia wahitaji. Kanuni Uk. 109 © 2013 UPH. Wakati majukumu ya shule ya sabato ni kuhakikisha waumini wanajifunza neno, wanajumuika pamoja, wanahudumia jamii na utume ulimwenguni pote.


1. Ubatizo:
Mwaka 2014
Taarifa ya kila robo
Robo ya Kwanza
Robo ya Pili
Robo ya Tatu
Robo ya Nne
Mwaka 2015
Taarifa ya kila robo
Robo ya kwanza
Robo ya pili
Robo ya tatu
4, 841
Takwimu zinaonesha kwamba wastani wetu wa kubatiza ni watu 14,000 kwa mwaka.
Tunamshukuru Bwana. Taarifa ya kikao cha katikati ya mwaka (Mid Year), kilichofanyika May 19, 2015 East - Central Afrika Division inaonesha kwamba Union yetu (STU) ni ya kwanza katika kuongoa roho kati ya Union 13. Utukufu kwa Bwana!
2. Kutoa Zana za kazi: Mwongozo wa Shule ya Sabato uko tayari. Mwongozo wa Idara ya Huduma za mtu Binafsi umetafsiriwa tayari, imebaki kuchapa, ukikamilika ni kifaa muhimu kuliongoza kanisa katika Uinjilisti.
3. Kwa kuwa tunaongozwa na Biblia, Roho ya Unabii na Kanuni. Biblia na kanuni tunavyo. Tuliandika kijitabu cha mwongozo wa kuelewa Roho ya Unabii, nuru ndogo kuelekeza kwenye nuru kubwa. Lengo ni kuwa na ukrasa 150, ili muumini ajue umuhimu na Faida ya Vitabu vya Roho ya Unabii.
4. Mchakato wa kukamilisha kijizuu cha imeandikwa unaendelea. Mchakato wa kuwasiliana na light bearer ili kupata vijizuu zaidi unaendelea.
5. Mawasiliano na Kibidula ili tusaidiane katika kufundisha wainjilisti walei kwa ajili ya kupenyesha injili maeneo mapya yanaendelea.
6.. Tuliendesha semina ya Huduma, Shule ya Sabato na Upandaji Makanisa (Church Planting) katika maeneo mbali mbali katika Konferensi zetu zote hasa mwaka 2015. Malengo yakiwa:
Kupanda Makanisa: Mpango Kazi Kwa Vitendo; Kwa kifupi. SHC: Panda makanisa 337 makundi 1010. Des. 2018 Makanisa 675. ECT: Panda Makanisa 190 Makundi 480. Des. 2018 Makanisa 380.
SEC: Panda Makanisa 115 Makundi 345 Des. 2018 Makanisa 230.
STU: Panda Makanisa 642 Makundi 1835 Des 2018. JML Makanisa 1285.
7. Tumeshirikiana na NTUC kuandika kitabu cha ukuziaji wa Shule ya Sabato , Masomo ya Utume nk. Pamoja na mabadiliko yaliyojitokeza kwa wakurugenzi, tunaamini tutaanza mwaka na vifaa hivyo.
8. Tuliendelea kuhimiza umuhimu wa kununua Lesoni na Kesha la Asubuhi na wengi tumebarikiwa na kitabu cha Mwito Mkuu. Usikose Kesha la Asubuhi 2016. Wana na Binti za Mungu, (Sons and Daughters of God). kila muumini ajitahidi kupata kitabu hiki, ukikisoma hutabaki vilevile ulivyokuwa.
9. Tumeendelea kushirikiana na Idara ya Uchapishaji katika kusambaza vitabu vya mwaka. Tumaini kuu na Afya na Uzima.
10. Tumeendelea kushirikiana na kitengo cha Global Mission katika kusimamia mradi wa TAUS (Tanzanians Adventist in United States) katika maeneo mapya. Sisi tunajenga ukuta wa kanisa,TAUS wanaezeka. SEC Kituo cha Mtama Lindi kanisa limeezekwa, SHC Kituo Namtumbo Songea kanisa limeezekwa. Mwanzo mzuri. Tukiwashika vizuri tunaona nuru ya kutenda makuu.
11. Tumeainisha vijiji, miji midogo, na maeneo ambapo ujumbe wetu umeingia na kuwa na waumini angalau watatu (3) pia ambapo hatuna kabisa ili tupeleke injili kwa malengo.
12. Kupitia Konferensi makanisa yametiwa moyo kwenda kufungua kazi katika vijiji, miji, maeneo yaliyoainishwa. Rejea andiko la uinjilisti kwa kupanda makanisa. Konferensi ya SEC na SHC wameonesha kufanya vizuri katika zoezi hili.
13. Tumeendelea kuhubiri na kufundisha kwa kutumia MSR na MSTV.
MALENGO YA 2015-2020
1. Kuendelea kuwafundisha washiriki na viongozi kumwamini na kumtegemea Mungu.
2. Kuhakikisha mwongozo wa Idara ya Huduma za mtu Binafsi unakamilika na kuwafikia washiriki na kila kanisa.
3. 70% ya vijiji, miji midogo midogo na miji mikubwa ambapo hatuna kanisa tunapanda makanisa ifikapo 2020
4. Kushirikiana na Kibidula katika kuelimisha wainjilisti walei.
5. Kufanya mahubiri ya hadhara mijini na vijijini.
6. Saa imefika tushirikiane na NTUC kuandaa vijizuu vya aina mbalimbali kupitia kiwanda chetu cha UPH.
7. Kufanyia kazi malengo manne ya Shule ya Sabato, kuhakikisha kila mshiriki anakuwa na Biblia, lesson na kasha la Asubuhi na kuisoma.
“Huduma za uwakili huhimiza washiriki kuitikia neema ya Mungu kwa kuweka wakfu kwake vyote walivyonavyo. Majukumu ya uwakili ni zaidi ya pesa. Ni pamoja na utunzaji na utumiaji bora wa mwili, akili, muda, uwezo, karama za roho na uhusiano, ushawishi, lugha, mazingira na mali. Idara hii husaidia washiriki katika ushirika wao na Mungu katika kumaliza kazi yake kwa kutumia vizuri karama na raslimali zote za Mungu”. Kanuni ya Kanisa, uk 111.
1. Tumefanikiwa kuelimisha na kuhimiza washiriki kujiweka wakfu kwa Bwana na vyote walivyonavyo. Tumefanya hivyo kwa;
a) Kuandaa vijitabu vya masomo ya majuma ya maombi ya uwakili.
b) Kutembelea Konferensi zetu na kuendesha semina katika vituo mbali mbali.
2. Tumeongeza idadi ya wanaotoa kwa mpango (Combine Budget). Robo ya kwanza 2014 walikuwa 16, 998 na kufikia 36,196 June 2015.
3. Matoleo ya zaka yameongezeka kutoka Tsh. 616,041,417. Januari, 2014 Union ilipoanza mpaka Tsh. 100,375,8793. Dec 2014 ongezeko la 38. 6%.
4. Matoleo ya Sadaka yameongezeka toka Tsh 222, 243,740 Jan. 2014 mpaka 332,719,538. Ongezeko la 33.2%.
5. Tumeainisha viwanja karibu vyote katika Union yetu na kujua ‘status’ ya kila kiwanja kwa lengo la kuviombea hati miliki vile ambavyo havina hati miliki.
6. Jumla ya thamani ya vitu vilivyotolewa taarifa ya Amana Januari – June 2015 ni Tsh.165,000,000 ($ 76,117.89). Mshiriki mmoja ECT na SHC wamejenga kanisa na
kukabidhi konferensi husika. Taarifa hii bado haijulikani makanisani lakini ni ya muhimu.
7. Viwango vya ujenzi wa makanisa yenye ubora vimeongezeka katika maeneo mengi. Ubora wa Maliwato (Vyoo) umeongezeka; vilivyovunja rekodi kwa umaridadi ni Wazo Hill cha kwanza, Kinyerezi cha pili, Kunduchi cha tatu na vingine vinafuata. Hii ni kulingana na taarifa tulizo nazo.
8. Tumeshuhudia mwitikio mkubwa mahali pengi wa washiriki kujitoa kwa Mungu wao na kanisa lake, wakitoa wakati wao, talanta zao na mali zao kwa ajili ya Bwana wao na kanisa lake takatifu. Baadhi ya makanisa yaliwakatisha tamaa kwa namna moja au nyingine waliotoa vitu, fedha n.k. kwa ajili ya Bwana. Makanisa yawatie moyo washiriki wanaojitoa badala ya kuwakatisha tama.
9. Kufanikisha Semina ya Uwakili iliyofanyika Iringa ambapo uongozi toka GC mpaka kanisa mahalia walihudhuria. Utukufu kwa Bwana!
10. Chama cha ATAPE (wanataaluma na Wajasilia mali) katika Union yetu kinaendelea vizuri, wajumbe wengi walihudhuria mkutano wa Tanga, wamefadhili effort ya MSTV, kumalizia ujenzi wa kanisa Mbulu. 2016 Mkutano unafanyikia Mbeya (STU). Chama hiki kikieleweka na kutumiwa na kanisa vizuri. Mchango wake ni mkubwa kiroho na kimaisha. Union na Konferensi zote tulee chama hiki, kanisa halitajuta.
1. Kuendelea kuwasaidia washiriki na waumini wote wajitoe kikamilifu kwa Mungu wao na Kanisa lake takatifu. Tukifaulu katika hili, mengine yote yatawezekana.
2. Kuongeza matoleo ya zaka mpaka 60% na Sadaka 50% ifikapo 2018.
3. Kuongeza idadi ya wanaotoa kwa mpango toka 30% ya sasa mpaka 70% ifikapo 2018.
4. Kuhakikisha Idara ya Amana na Mirathi inaeleweka kwa kila mshiriki na kwa neema ya Mungu mafundisho na maelekezo yake yanafanyiwa kazi.
5. Kufanyia kazi changamoto zinazokabili Idara hasa za kupata taarifa sahihi na kwa wakati wake. Hili ni tatizo kubwa linafanya taarifa zetu zisiwe sahihi, ni muhimu kukabiliana nalo. Sio wakati wa kuongelea matatizo na changamoto. matatizoyanatatuliwa na changamoto zinakabiliwa.
 Kwa kifupi katika awamu hii muda mwingi, nguvu nyingi, rasrimali nyingi nk vilitumika katika kupanga kazi. Zoezi hilo limekwisha sasa ni kazi tu na kujiandaa kumlaki mawinguni. Imani yetu ni kubwa tutapindua STU na injili.
Kwa neema ya Yesu Kristo na Uongozi huu aliotupatia Bwana 2015 - 2020 tunatarajia kuona Union hii ikitenda makuu kupitia Idara hizi. Nabii ametuhakikishia: Hatuna sababu ya kuogopa labda tu tusahau Bwana aliyotutendea katika mwaka huu mmoja na nusu uliopita. Ellen G. White Life Sketches uk. 196. Amina.


Our Mission
—The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to call all people to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the everlasting gospel embraced by the three angels’ messages (Revelation 14:6-12), and to prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.

Our Method
—Guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, Seventhday Adventists pursue this mission through Christ-like living, communicating, discipling, teaching, healing, and serving.

Our Vision
—In harmony with Bible revelation, Seventh-day Adventists see as the climax of God’s plan the restoration of all His creation to full harmony with His perfect will and righteousness.


Our Identity
—The Seventh-day Adventist Church sees itself as the remnant Church of end-time Bible prophecy. Members of the Church, individually and collectively, understand their special role as ambassadors of God’s kingdom and messengers of the soon return of Jesus Christ. Seventh-day Adventists have enlisted as co-workers with God in His mission of reclaiming the world from the power and presence of evil, as part of the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan.
Therefore, every aspect of a Church member’s life is influenced by the conviction that we live in the last days described in Bible prophecy and the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. Seventh-day Adventists are called by God to live in this world. Every action of the Christian life is done “in the name of Jesus” and to advance His kingdom.

Implementation of Our Mission
—Seventh-day Adventists affirm the Bible as God’s infallible revelation of His will, accepting its authority in the life of the Church and of each believer, and its foundational role for faith and doctrine. Seventh-day Adventists believe that the Holy Spirit is the power that transforms lives and equips people with abilities to advance God’s kingdom in this world. Called by God, guided by the Bible, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Seventh-day Adventists, wherever we live in the world, devote ourselves to:

1. Christ-Like Living—Illustrating the lordship of Jesus in our lives by moral, ethical, and social behaviors that are consistent with the teachings and example of Jesus.
2. Christ-Like Communicating—Realizing that all are called to active witness, we share through personal conversation, preaching, publishing, and the arts, the Bible’s message about God and the hope and salvation offered through the life, ministry, atoning death, resurrection, and high priestly ministry of Jesus Christ.
3. Christ-Like Discipling—Affirming the vital importance of continued spiritual growth and development among all who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we nurture and instruct each other in righteous living, provide training for effective witness, and encourage responsive obedience to God’s will.
4. Christ-Like Teaching—Acknowledging that development of mind and character is essential to God’s redemptive plan, we promote the growth of a mature understanding of and relationship to God, His Word, and the created universe.
5. Christ-Like Healing—Affirming the biblical principles of the well-being of the whole person, we make healthful living and the healing of the sick a priority and through our ministry to the poor and oppressed, cooperate with the Creator in His compassionate work of restoration.
6. Christ-Like Serving—Following the example of Jesus we commit ourselves to humble service, ministering to individuals and populations most affected by poverty, tragedy, hopelessness, and disease.


Sabbath School Vision:
Sabbath School Department of Southern Tanzania Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to grow quality disciples in Christ through an atmosphere conducive for a total spiritual growth at all levels of the local church by zealous study of His Word and through living and growing in his Word.

Sabbath School Mission:
To nurture every Sabbath School member by building faith through the Study of the Scriptures and the doctrines of Seventh-day Adventist Church and equip all in order to empower those who are volunteers to be engaged into proactive service in the great commission as it is stated in Matthew 28:18-20.  

The objectives of Sabbath School:
The Sabbath School Department of the Southern Tanzania Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists was established as a major setting for religious education in the Church. To honor this original purpose, the Sabbath School Department continues to communicate the good news with the objective to win, hold, and train for Jesus Christ, men, women, youth, boys and girls, in all the world, by emphasizing faith through study of the Bible, Fellowship, Community Outreach, and World Mission.

Areas of emphasize:
The philosophy and mission of the Sabbath School Department are carried out through the following four areas of emphasis:

Faith or Study of the Bible:
We intend to encourage all church members at all levels to use our Christ-centered, Bible-based, and person-oriented Sabbath School Publications on quarterly basis, in order to attain the desired spiritual maturity through Systematic Bible Study, prayer and active sharing of the Word of God which is the Bread of life.

We intend to make the saving gospel of Jesus Christ centralg. in all Sabbath School plans, projects, and programs; thus ensuring that all activities and materials are Christ-centered, Bible-based, and person-oriented. Babb
We intend to cultivate an attitude of prayer and devotion in all members.
We intend to foster spiritual growth and faith through regular study of the Word of God and share that faith with others.

We intend to foster a caring and loving Christian relationship among members coming from various backgrounds in our weekly Sabbath School program. 

We intend to work together to develop and implement programs and projects for recruiting new members.
We intend to enlist the help of all leaders, teachers, and regular members to restore inactive members of the church and Sabbath School to regular attendance and active participation in church life.
We intend to nurture the spiritual lives of newly baptized members.

Community Outreach Emphasis:
We intend to reach out to the community and attract non-members to the Sabbath School and church program’s initiatives. This is the privilege all church members are given to put into practice close to their neighbors, what they have learned and share with them the beauty of Salvation History.

We intend to make every part of the Sabbath School program, class, and meeting contribute to the Christian experience of each member so that he/she may serve as a spiritual magnet to draw others to Christ.
We intend to envelop planned programs that direct all members to discover their spiritual gifts, and to equip, train, and mobilize them in all forms of evangelism.
We intend to assure that all teaching and training programs and materials encourage soul winning and the nurture and retention of those won to Christ.
We intend to be alert to providential openings that present opportunities for soul winning to the Sabbath School or its individual members.

World Mission Emphasis:
We intend to maintain consciousness for the Global Mission of the church and supporting it by systematic 13th Sabbath offering which comes at the end of every quarter and continue the personal involvement/participation.

We intend to foster in children, youth, and adults a desire to serve in spreading the gospel wherever the Lord may lead.

The Sabbath School Department motivates all members to dynamic Christian service with the conviction that “The church of Christ is organized for service” (MH 148), and recognizing that “the Sabbath school work is important, and all who are interested in the truth should endeavor to make it prosperous” (CSW 9); that “the Sabbath school, if rightly conducted, is one of God’s great instrumentalities to bring souls to a knowledge of the truth” (CSW 115); and that “Every church should be a training school for Christian workers. Its members should be taught how to give Bible readings, how to conduct and teach Sabbath school classes, how best to help the poor and to care for the sick, how to work for the unconverted . . . There should not only be teaching, but actual work under experienced instructors” (ChS 59). The Sabbath School Department functions as the primary religious educational and training system at the local church level of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, whereby the majority of Seventh-day Adventists worldwide learn the teachings of the Bible, including the tenets of the Church, and become motivated and equipped to share the gospel with every living soul.